Available courses

Faculty name : Prof. Naveen Kumar
HoD, Department of Computer Applications

Faculty Name: Kavita Mahar

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Management

Faculty Name: Mr. Varun Dongre

Assisttant Professor : Department of Commerce and Management

faculty Name - Dr. Bendre Basaveshwar

Asst. professor, Department of Languages & FC 


faculty Name - Dr. Bendre Basaveshwar

Asst. professor, Department of Languages & FC 

Name of the Faculty: Mr. Varun Dongre

Designation:  Assistant Professor

faculty Name - Dr. Bendre Basaveshwar

Asst. professor, Department of Languages & FC 

faculty Name : Mr. ASHOKA G 

Assistant professor 

Department of commerce .

faculty Name - Dr. Bendre Basaveshwar

Asst. professor, Department of Languages & FC 

Faculty Name: Dr.Narendra Babu C.R

Associate Professor in Kannada